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Iam an Intuitive Visionary Guide, a channel of Sacred Knowledge, and an Energy Healer. As a survivor of intense trauma, I not only possess a deep well of knowledge with difficult life experiences, it is through my own healing journey that I was able to unlock and fortify my Divine gifts.


I am a passionate advocate for Women and innerstand that the spiritual healing of Women, as The Divine Feminine rises, is the key to our liberation, and the restoration of Earth and all of it’s inhabitants.


As a 2/4 Emotional Projector (Human Design), I'm deeply insightful and possess the power to “see” when I am given the invitation to do so. It is through my guidance that I assist Women in releasing trauma patterns, shift thought forms to a place of conscious creation, set powerful boundaries, connect to their deepest soul expression, and experience the pleasure of ease and flow.


Using intuitive wisdom, powerful somatic healing techniques, and penetrative sight, I help you clear away all that does not belong to you so that you can show up, fully present, grounded, and with grace and confidence as the Divine Masterpiece that is YOU. 


If you invite me into your life, I will lovingly help you transform it.

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